Moving! Things have been hectic around here the last few months and one of the things that dropped out of the routine was obviously posting updates. We are fully out of the aircraft hangar but our building still isn’t ready (I won’t bore you with the details of repurposing an existing building, dealing with small town city government, engineering site plans, and architects redrawing what was drawn 30 years ago) so we are temporarily back to working on canoes at a top secret facility. The section of the new building that will become the woodshop is secured and providing locked storage for the multitude of canoes awaiting work, meanwhile all the tools, equipment, and canoes in work are at the temporary location. For those of you patiently waiting on your canoe to emerge from restoration, I apologize for all the delays!
We missed this year’s WCHA Assembly due to commitments with the building, being perpetually behind, and the logistics of moving. This year’s theme was modern masters and featured the work of current builders so it was a painful decision to stay home but sometimes life conspires against the best of plans. Next year features the canoes of B.N. Morris and we will be there in force with several restored Morris boats along with the last known 12′ and the first reproduction of that canoe off a new form we’re building to assist with the restoration of the damaged original.