Fun with Photoshop

March 5, 2013

A new marketing card I tossed together (no beer needed!):

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Something Old Something New

March 3, 2013

One of Genevieve’s trim rails had previously been pieced back together so we shaped a new end to replace the sectioned one. The port side was reusable so we attached it and plugged the screws. Now the final phase begins: laying on the topcoats of varnish.

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Keels and Trim

March 3, 2013

Barry sanded… While I tapered a keel… And then we drilled holes in Sam’s Otca!

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February 23, 2013

All that remains of a 60 year-old 1/4″ steel carriage bolt. This is why we use bronze!

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A Long Weekend

February 17, 2013

But a productive one. More dark green paint (seriously, who declaired that all canoes must be green?) and more primer. We stuck two keels: Catherine’s Thompson and the 1918 Morris. Both will get a final coat of primer and another sanding before applying finish paint. I experimented with my HVLP paint gun by shooting varnish […]

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February 15, 2013

All plugged up. A fun Friday night! Although I will admit to a good dinner and a few cold ones prior to filling the holes.

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Enough Tech Already!

February 14, 2013

Well we lost a few posts due to a back-up reload. Played around with a listings page template, crashed a few things, and ended up with a migraine for our troubles. Things are still a bit of mess around the site and in bad need of a re-spot but it will have to wait. There […]

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More Fay & Bowen

January 21, 2013

I had already rebuilt the structure under the starboard side of her aft deck and was hoping to stabilize the port side without the same surgery but it was not to be. While tightening embedded carriage bolts on the steering crossmember I noticed they were not drawing up – the heads were simply pulling down […]

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Long Haul

January 9, 2013

This was my load on the trip home from PA last week: two 18’s up top. Lets just say I didn’t spend much time tucked in behind the big trucks. The turbulence was bad enough to make things pucker up.

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January 8, 2013

It was a busy month. In addition to all the usual holiday festivities the dust was flying in both Alabama and Pennsylvania as canoe work accelerated with new help. Down at the lake several canoes got canvassed and filled: Catherine’s Thompson, Sam’s Otca, and Mark’s Morris. It will be February before the filler is ready […]

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