Soaking Rack

April 26, 2015

Nice day for soaking parts!   

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Morris Form Update

March 16, 2015

The stems are set up and the banding is almost halfway complete.   

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Morris Form

March 7, 2015

Starting to take shape! 

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Hand Caning

March 7, 2015

Most seats since the 40’s were made with machine woven mat splined into a grove. The old method of hand-weaving individual strands through drilled holes is tedious work. It takes me about 4 hours to weave each seat! What’s your time worth?  

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March 7, 2015

Last weekend involved a run to Alexandria, LA followed by a second delivery just north of New Orleans. If you’re that close you just have to hang around a while 😉 

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Restoration Pages

February 8, 2015

We’ve decided that each restoration project will get its own sub-page.  In stead of searching through the shop updates to pull together all updates on a particular project you’ll be able to see the progression all on one page.  Look under the Restoration page in the navigation menu for the subpages on current and past […]

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The WP App is Back

February 8, 2015

Now that I finally have the capability of quick posts including images directly from the iPhone again you’ll see a flurry of catching up over the next day or so. Many of the boats you’ll see have been in work for quite a while, many have made several moves in various stages of completion.

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The Little Morris

February 8, 2015

It’s been in the plan for a while but now that we have plenty of space we’re underway with taking the lines from the good end of the original. From these points, the lines will be lofted, and a form built. The form will allow us to bend new ribs to replace the broken end […]

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The New Shop

February 8, 2015

We’re still organizing so we won’t have to spend as much time looking for stuff!

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WordPress App

January 18, 2015

After multiple deletes and reloads I think I have it working again. One reason you haven’t seen updates is because it became time consuming when I couldn’t post directly from the iPhone.

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