Enamel on Charles River

May 30, 2012

The CR got her first coat of Epifanes dark red marine enamel Tuesday evening. I’m not sure how it matches the original dark red but it will be spectacular out in the sun! Looks more like a burgundy inside the shop. Now that the first coat is on, the canvas will get trimmed back and […]

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Charles River Keel

May 22, 2012

Last night I cleaned all the old latex (bad no-no) paint off the original keel and poked holes through the new canvas to re-attach it before final painting. I had to fill several screw holes that went all the way through the keel from the previous canvas job. The screws were too long and they […]

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Charles River Primer

May 21, 2012

After four coats of primer on the Charles River she’s as smooth as she’s going to get. The old planking is buckled and fairing the hull completely would have removed too much wood. High-build primer, with lots of sanding in between coats, helped flatten out the smaller bumps. Initial coats get hit with the random […]

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Rolling Storage

May 12, 2012

The new mobile rack. Holds 4 as mobile storage in and out of the garage and there’s room for 2 more up top when hitched to the truck. It’s a 5′ x 14′ utility trailer with removable custom racks. The old triple stack wooden rack got moved to the storage shed so now I have […]

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Play Day

May 5, 2012

One of the drawbacks to working with something you love is finding time to actually enjoy the results. So I loaded up my canoe and went paddling today with some friends on a section of the upper Tallapoosa River located near Heflin, Alabama. It was about a 4 hour leisurely float with only a couple […]

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New Skin

April 15, 2012

The Charles River got her new canvas yesterday. Once the bedding compound on the stems dries the canvas gets filled.

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April 11, 2012

Stripping old finish is the only part of the restoration process that I truly hate. It’s nasty, messy, toxic, and takes a lot of time and work. At least the mid section of the Otca is all new wood so I only have to strip the ends but then there’s the Thompson waiting for me, […]

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New Decks

April 5, 2012

The second bending operation for the Charles River was successful! This shows one of the old decks, a bent blank, and a shaped new deck. New deck installed, still needs a little final shaping with sand paper.

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All Decorated

April 1, 2012

Back where it all belongs!

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March 25, 2012

Working with big boats this weekend. Liz has her share of jewelry, as do most women.

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