Scheduling Notes

by Steve on September 6, 2014

It will be October before the building upgrades and changes are complete and our ability to work on canoes for the next few weeks will be very limited.  Due to all of the setbacks this summer we have missed several deliveries and promises.  Those of you patiently waiting on word of your canoes will be receiving calls and emails to discuss specifics.  Even without all the disruptions, targeting a specific date for completion is impossible for many reasons.  We never know what each boat needs until we tear into it.  Some need more work than anticipated, some need less.  Both scenarios impact the schedule of the subject canoe and all those after it.  Once we get a canoe recanvassed and filled we have a pretty good idea of when it will be ready to go out the door.  Even then there are still unknown variables that can affect the schedule.  Humidity, bugs, staining, coverage rates and other surprises can impact paint and varnish.

Wood canvas canoe construction and restoration is far more art than science.  Many times we have followed procedures that worked perfectly on a previous boat only to have disappointing results.  We will not let sub-par work go out the door.  The only acceptable remedy for a disappointing final coat of paint or varnish is to sand it again and do it over.

We will continue to do our best to meet previous commitments.  Going forward we will adhere to a strict policy of not discussing a specific delivery date until we are in the final paint and varnish stage.  All boats will continue to go into the line-up and await their turn no matter how much work they need.  This is fair to everyone and allows us to give each boat the care it needs.  The answer to the magic question “When will my canoe be finished?” is “When it’s done.”  Clients will receive a call or email when we start on their canoe so they will know to look for it in the Shop Updates section.  Once we get to the final coats of varnish and paint we can schedule delivery/pick-up.  We like to give the finished canoe a week or two for varnish and paint to fully harden out before we strap it or wrap it for obvious reasons.

Each and every canoe will get exactly what it needs to be 100%.  We will not rush the process.  The only way to produce the results that you expect is to dedicate the time needed to get there.  As always, we appreciate your patience with the process!  The end result will be worth the wait.

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