Help Wanted

by Steve on January 1, 2018

If you have some woodworking and finishing skills along with the desire to save old canoes drop us a line or give us a call.  We have one part-time helper but could use another or a full-timer.

Something else we’ve been discussing is finding someone to take over the bookkeeping and admin stuff.  This would be part-time or even home-based for the right individual.  A working knowledge of QuickBooks is a must, familiarity with WordPress and social media would be a plus.

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Todd Ford November 20, 2018 at 8:32 am


You guys still looking for help. We actually spoke on the phone a couple of years ago about a possible internship when I was IYRS. Decided to move back to Alex City in January. Would love to put the skills I learned at boat building school to work.

Todd Ford

PS Go Navy! Beat Army!

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