Well we lost a few posts due to a back-up reload. Played around with a listings page template, crashed a few things, and ended up with a migraine for our troubles. Things are still a bit of mess around the site and in bad need of a re-spot but it will have to wait. There are boats to finish!
In my spare time I’ll get the For Sale page upgraded/updated. Soon.
Here’s a little tease: the design team – me, myself, and I – are tossing about the idea of building a Laker. As in Grand Laker. For those who have never been fortunate enough to venture off the beaten path up in the Northwoods and find the fishing mecca of Grand Lake Stream, a Laker is a 20′ square stern canoe. It’s capable of everything a Jon Boat is not and the few men still building them stay pretty busy when they’re not out fishing. Plus I’ve always wanted one. I’d love to hear from any of you that might be interested as well.